
"We help" initiative for regional refugee aid - Kelkheim

With a donation of 100 German text books for 1,600 Euros to Kelkheim's civic refugee aid TOOLS FOR LIFE and ROTHENBERGER AG started a joint initiative to support the refugee aid in the region. All activites will be bundeled and realized under the slogan "We help". "The increasing number of refugees in our region demands support of all of us", says Ralf Weber, member of the ROTHENBERGER AG Executive Board, "of course we're also taking our share." Currently the initiative is working on several projects in cooperation with the civic refugee aid.

Accordingly a bazar for clothing and home ware will be organized on the ROTHENBERGER premises by ROTHENBERGER employees, to provide the round about 200 refugees in Kelkheim with warm cloting for autumn and winter. In addition the "We help" initiative will provide room inside the TEC center for German classes and will also organise and finance a ROTHENBERGER German class for young refugees aged 16 to 24.

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