
TraineeCamp Berlin 2024

The TraineeCamp Berlin 2024 offered trainees a valuable platform to share their perspectives on vocational training and discuss important topics relating to securing skilled labour. The event was funded by the TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation and took place in an exciting atmosphere. The aim of the AzubiCamp is to give trainees a voice and reflect on their needs and wishes. The event focuses in particular on the issues of skills shortages and trainee drop-outs and provides important impetus for the further development of training in the skilled trades sector.

The TraineeCamp Berlin: an innovative exchange between trainees

The TraineeCamp Berlin works as a barcamp, which means that the participants themselves determine the topics they want to discuss. This creates an open and flexible atmosphere that gives trainees the opportunity to address their concerns directly. The event enables an intensive exchange without the presence of trainers and thus creates a space for unfiltered opinions and ideas.

Another highlight of the TraineeCamp 2024 was the involvement of the trainees in the organisation and moderation of the event. This ensures that the event is tailored precisely to the needs of the trainees and that the topics are relevant and up-to-date.

The 10 positions on vocational training in the skilled trades: an overview

As part of the TraineeCamp 2024, 10 positions on craft apprenticeships were developed that address the most pressing needs and wishes of apprentices. These positions reflect the challenges and opportunities that trainees see in their professional development. They offer valuable points of reference for companies and training centres to make training fit for the future.

The most important positions at a glance:

  1. Time management - trainees want more time for their training and the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them. There is a great desire for more freedom to work independently.
  2. Appreciation and recognition - recognising the work done and understanding the needs of Generation Z are key issues. This includes the desire for a work-life balance and digital participation.
  3. Independence - Clear tasks and trust are crucial in order to promote the independence of trainees and give them room to work independently.
  4. Integration and communication at eye level - trainees want to be taken seriously and be able to make a real contribution to the team. Meaningful tasks and respectful communication are of great importance to them.
  5. Fair payment - Payment plays a decisive role in the motivation and commitment of trainees. Appropriate remuneration is seen as a sign of appreciation and contributes to the attractiveness of training.
  6. Digitalisation of training - trainees want modern, digital training that promotes the use of new technologies and integrates work with digital media and tools into everyday training.
  7. Feedback and regular communication - Trainees want regular constructive feedback and open communication in order to reflect on their performance and development and make targeted improvements.
  8. Vocational school and project work - the desire for more practice-orientated teaching and the integration of Project work in training is a recurring theme. Trainees want to work creatively and develop their skills in real projects.
  9. Future prospects - Clear prospects for the time after the apprenticeship are important for apprentices to stay with the company in the long term and develop further.
  10. Occupational safety - Ensuring a safe workplace and knowing their responsibilities is of central importance to trainees. They want clear safety standards and consistent implementation of safety regulations in the company.

Successful TraineeCamp: trainees demand more input

The TraineeCamp Berlin 2024 was a complete success. With 45 participants, there was an intensive exchange and many valuable discussions on the topics mentioned. The informal dialogue outside of the workshops was particularly appreciated by the participants, as it gave them the opportunity to continue talking about their training and challenges.

Some trainees expressed a desire for more professional input, for example through guest speakers or information material. This could further enrich the TraineeCamp in the future without jeopardising the original concept of an open exchange.

Conclusion: The future of training in the skilled trades

The TraineeCamp Berlin 2024 has once again shown how important it is to take the perspective of trainees seriously. The 21 positions on training provide valuable impetus that can help to make training in the skilled trades fit for the future. TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation will continue to promote dialogue with trainees and companies in order to improve training and combat the shortage of skilled workers in the long term.

Through the targeted implementation of these requirements, trainees can be optimally prepared for their future role as skilled workers - for a strong generation of skilled workers in the skilled trades sector.

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