
Technology goes green - from the school desk to the workshop

Against the backdrop of an increasing shortage of skilled workers and the urgent need to counter the climate crisis with innovative approaches, particularly in the area of energy efficiency, the skilled trades sector is facing a double challenge - both in terms of technology and personnel. The cooperation project "Technology goes Green", in collaboration with a secondary school, a leading skilled crafts company and the Chamber of Skilled Crafts, intends to make a contribution and act as an outstanding example.

Current situation:

There is now widespread agreement that the climate crisis can only be successfully tackled if the skilled trades sector is able to implement the necessary measures, many of which are required by law. A high level of technical competence and expertise is essential for this, as is a significantly increased need for well-trained specialist personnel with an affinity for technology. It is estimated that there is currently a shortage of between 150,000 and 175,000 skilled workers in the skilled trades.

Our measures:

Together with the Frankfurt-Rhine-Main Chamber of Crafts, Neues Gymnasium Rüsselsheim and Rudolf Fritz GmbH, we have launched the "Technik goes green" project. The free and voluntary school club is aimed at secondary school students in years 9 to 12 and takes place from September to December. The focus is on technical skills in the electrical, metal and HVAC trades. By combining trades and secondary school education, students are offered a unique learning experience that is also fun. The aim of this working group is to introduce the students to the trades and give them the opportunity to gain practical experience.

As part of the project, the young people build compact greenhouses with integrated photovoltaics under the supervision of instructor Christian Fruhen. Using the example of the small greenhouse, which is equipped with sensors, a water pump, an electronic control system and a solar panel, practical solutions to the climate crisis (renewable energies, photovoltaics, irrigation, creation of ideal growing conditions for plants) are built and experienced in miniature. This not only gives pupils an insight into the craft, but also the opportunity to learn about the importance of renewable energies.

This project offers pupils with an interest in technology and science a great opportunity to get to know the trades and at the same time participate in the energy transition. The school club also opens up excellent career opportunities for the participants.


Overall, it can be said that the "Technik goes Green" project makes a positive contribution to tackling the shortage of skilled workers in the skilled trades and combating the climate crisis. The close cooperation with Neues Gymnasium Rüsselsheim, Rudolf Fritz GmbH and the Chamber of Crafts provides an outstanding example of innovative approaches. The free and voluntary school club enables pupils to gain practical experience in the trades and at the same time learn about the importance of renewable energies. All in all, "Technik goes Green" is a great opportunity to get to know the skilled trades and participate in the energy transition.

Facts and numbers


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