
Clean drinking water for commune Pignon

In the community of Pignon in Haiti, about 300 people suffer from the lack of clean drinking water. Our partner organisation "Future Development Haiti e.V." will build a well there to supply the inhabitants with clean water.

Current situation

Due to its geographical location, Haiti is frequently hit by natural disasters and due to the lack of infrastructure, the country is still not supplied with water. Children and women in rural areas have to carry water for their families for kilometres every day in wind and weather.

The community of Pignon is about 5km from the local municipality and the only place with clean water is a stream that is very difficult to reach on foot over the mountains. When it rains, it is even more difficult for people to get water and most of the time the children have to take up the task. This leaves them little time to go to school and many then drop out and migrate to the cities.

Our measures

Our partner organisation "Future Development Haiti e.V." will drill a borehole and build a well on site to guarantee the people there access to clean drinking water. This will enable the parents to take care of their livelihood and the children to concentrate on attending school and contribute to the development of the country.

The construction of the well could be completed in the meantime and the inhabitants of the community can get clean drinking water there every day.  

Facts and numbers


People helped


EURO Budget



Human Development Index170
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