
Project “Diospi Suyana” Hospital - Curahausi

With a tooling donation valued at approx. 1,500.00€, TOOLS FOR LIFE supported the construction of the Diospi Suyana Mission Hospital for the Quechau Indians, an indigenous people of Peru and the decedents of the Incan Indians. The tool (a ROTHENBERGER “ROBULL Type E”) is needed for pipeline installations, as well as rail construction in the hospital and the day care centre.

The hospital is located in the Andean town of Curahausi, approx. 2,500m above sea level, in which approx. 750,000 people reside - mainly Quechua Indians. The Diospi Suyana Mission wanted to offer the Indians comprehensive care and equipped the facility with 55 beds, four operating theatres, an intensive station, as well as laboratory and x-ray devices. About 80 Peruvian employees work in the hospital. An additional 30 foreign volunteers are completely financed by donations from their native countries. The project began in 2004 and is a huge success story. You can learn more about this project at

Facts and numbers


Peolpe helped


EURO Budget



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