
Deep well drilling project and school - Pallo

Work goes ahead in Pallo. After carrying out the tenders for various trades in the fall of 2015, the delegation of our partners “Hilfe für Afrika, Wasser für den Senegal e.V.” has obtained an overview of the progress of the construction in January of 2016. 1 km of the total 7 km long route for the water pipes to the surrounding villages was already dug out at that point. The laying of the pipes was carried out parallel and should be finished by the end of February or beginning of March.

The start of building a water tower, which will be 15 m tall and will have 100 cubic meters water content, will begin in 2 – 3 weeks. The estimated construction time is about 2 month. The photovoltaic system for the solar pump will start in the course of the year. A search for a local specialized company, which is suitable for the contract, is currently under way. The goal is to be able to start operation at the facility by the end of the year.
The construction of a 2-hectare garden is going to be started in the beginning of 2017 and gradual trickle irrigation is going to be installed. Appropriate soil samples are currently being carried out.

In a small ceremony with the bishop in the capital of Pallo, the villages were given the joyful news that the water supply system for Pallo was officially under contract.
The joy over that news was tremendous.

The cost of the project is 145,000 Euros.

Facts and numbers


EURO Budget



The background to the project

In the year 1982, the water supply located approx. 12 km south of Thies was newly constructed and supplied over 2000 residents with clean drinking water. The system functioned properly and also irrigated the adjacent 2 hector garden until 2009. As an attempt was made to replace a pump in 2009, the pump fell and wedged itself 80 m deep in such a way that the action had to be discontinued. Multiple retrievals were attempted but were unsuccessful. A replacement pump, including the piping is available but could not be installed. In October 2013 the “Help for Africa, Water for Senegal e.V.” began planning the repair/replacement of the equipment. A camera inspection on January 23, 2014 made it clear that a recovery was no longer possible. Since over the intervening years even the back-up wells in Pallo have collapsed or dried up, the current water supply can only be maintained by provisional water tank wagons and horse-drawn carriages. It is urgent that a new well is built to supply the 2,000 residents with enough water again. Thanks to the tireless commitments of Hilfe für Afrika, Wasser für den Senegal e.V. and due to the generous funding by TOOLS FOR LIFE and BMZ, the construction for the project was able to get started in 2014. A deep well (210 meter) has already been completed and has been operating since spring of 2015. Thus, a basic water supply is possible again in Pallo. It was possible for “Hilfe für Afrika, Wasser für den Senegal e.V. to invite tenders of the individual trades and part of them led to contracts already: Construction of a water tower (15 meter tall and 100 cubic meter capacity. Installation of a photovoltaic system/solar pump. Excavation and installation of 7 km of new pipeline, to enable the connection of eight additional villages. Installation of a trickle irrigation system for the adjoining 2-hectare garden.

Human Development Index166
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