
Medical station for Iyolwa Secondary School, Phase 4 - Iyolwa

The TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation is further supporting Engineers Without Borders in the fourth phase of the project Iyolwa Water & Health in Uganda with 9,000 €. After water supply to the Iyolwa Secondary School was secured and improved in the first three phases, the medical centre is now to be constructed in the fourth phase of the project. The most important aim of this stage is to increase the number of beds and improve the quality of medical care. This is important as the students live in accommodation on the school campus and their parents only visit in the school holidays. The health centre is to consist of two dormitories for students, a treatment room, a waiting room, a medicine dispensary a technology room and a bedroom for two nurses. Each dormitory will be equipped with a flushing toilet and a shower installation. Pabone, the location of the St. Francis de Sales Secondary School, is one of four communities in the subdistrict of Iyolwa in the district of Tororo and is around 200 km east of the capital city, Kampala. Iyolwa has about 34,600 inhabitants, and the area is largely characterised by agriculture. There is no state water supply. The population get their water from wells and from rainwater storage tanks. Water supply and basic sanitation is lacking in schools. Drinking water and sanitation supply were extended in phases I to III of the project „Iyolwa Water &Health“. Medical provision is now placed at the forefront of Phase IV. There are currently too few sick-beds and medical personnel for the approximately 800 students. Only two beds are available in the health centre. This is a worrying situation, especially in the rainy season when the risk of typhus and malaria is increased. Medical experts and the school leadership are also involved in the planning of the construction. Supply of the health centre with water was secured by the previous phases of the project. Hygiene standards such as regular hand washing can thus be ensured.

Facts and numbers


EURO Budget



Human Development Index159
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