
Construction of 18 rain-water cisterns - Chonyonyo

The project’s objective is to secure the regional water supply by constructing 14 small cisterns with a capacity of 20,000 litres and four large 40,000 litre cisterns, which will store the water from the rainy season for use during the dry period.

The first five cisterns were built in the beginning of 2010 and by the middle of 2010 the remaining 13 water cisterns were completed. Since then, over 1,050 villagers.Anfang 2010 konnten die ersten fünf Zisternen errichtet werden und bis Mitte 2010 die restlichen 13 Wasserzisternen. Somit können seither insgesamt 1.050 Dorfbewohner mit ausreichendem und sauberem Trinkwasser versorgt werden.

Facts and numbers


People helped


EURO Budget



The background to the project

In the district of Karagwe, in the north-western highland of Tanzania, west of Lake Victoria there are only a few natural sources of water. The residents obtain their water from small, highly polluted waterholes and have to walk and carry these over long distances, multiple times a day. An effective local solution to improve the water supply is the construction of rainwater cisterns. With these the rainwater can be collected during the rainy season and be used during the dry season. A cistern with a volume of 20,000 litres can supply enough water during the dry season to support a typical family living far away from any housing area.Since 2008, Mayuno and IngoG have constructed 31 cisterns in the region which have supplied over 1,000 people with water. Beyond this, seven local skilled workers have been trained in the construction and maintenance of the water tanks and extensive water analyses have been conducted. Since 2008, Mayuno and IngoG have constructed 31 cisterns in the region which have supplied over 1,000 people with water. Beyond this, seven local skilled workers have been trained in the construction and maintenance of the water tanks and extensive water analyses have been conducted.

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