
Empowering Women Through Skills: A Journey with TOOLS FOR LIFE in India

From September 13 to 27, 2024, a dedicated team from the TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation embarked on a transformative journey to Dharamsala, India. Their goal was to equip local women with practical skills to help them build self-sufficient careers. In collaboration with the Jagori Rural Charitable Trust, they offered a series of practical workshops that not only strengthened the women's professional skills, but also promoted cultural exchange and deepened international partnerships.

Workshops that make a difference

The focus of this trip was a series of workshops aimed at equipping the women with valuable skills that they can use to achieve professional independence. These practical skills open up new opportunities and perspectives for the participants.

Car washing workshop

The journey began with an exciting car washing workshop at Mountain Splash Car Care. Here, the women learned how to professionally clean cars and motorcycles, including how to operate pressure washers. This skill offers them the opportunity to develop a source of income in the growing car service sector.

Electricity workshop

In the electricity workshop, 19 women took part in intensive training on the basics of electrical engineering. They learned how to use tools, assemble lamps and make extension cords. This workshop combined theoretical knowledge with practical experience and culminated in the decoration of the self-made lamps - a symbol of their new skills and achievements.

Plumbing-Workshop (Sanitärtechnik)

Im Plumbing-Workshop (Sanitärtechnik) nahmen zehn Frauen an einem praktischen Kurs teil, bei dem sie lernten, mit Werkzeugen wie Kunststoffscheren umzugehen und defekte Wasserhähne zu reparieren. In Teams reparierten sie erfolgreich drei von vier Wasserhähnen auf dem Campus. Diese Erfahrung stärkte ihr Selbstbewusstsein und ihre technischen Fähigkeiten.

Building partnerships for the future

A highlight of the trip was a visit to the CII-MCM Trust Multi Skill Training Institute, where possible collaborations to support women's professional development were discussed. The institute offers training in various fields such as electrical engineering, tailoring and web development, making it an ideal partner for future projects. These discussions paved the way for a long-term collaboration between TOOLS FOR LIFE and the institute to further promote women's professional prospects.

Cultural Insights and Reflection

In addition to the workshops, participants also had the opportunity to explore the region and visit cultural sites such as Amritsar and McLeod Ganj. These excursions gave participants a deeper insight into the local culture and helped them reflect on the impact of their work, increasing awareness of the importance of their mission and creating a stronger connection to the local community.

Long-term impact: creating opportunities for women

This trip was not just an education, but above all an opportunity for the women to take their future into their own hands. With access to practical skills and tools, the women now have the opportunity to develop professionally and create a better livelihood. The collaboration with the Jagori Rural Charitable Trust and the lessons learned from the trip provide the basis for a sustainable partnership that will continue to support women's vocational training in the years to come.

A successful and meaningful trip

The trip was a great success, combining practical learning with cultural exchange and strengthening international partnerships. The TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation's commitment to empowering women through practical skills has not only changed the lives of the participants, but has also provided the prospect of a long-term collaboration that paves the way for women's professional development. By providing ongoing access to practical skills, the TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation remains committed to creating a more equal and self-reliant future for women worldwide.

© 2025 TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation