
Mission Senegal - A journey full of drive

Influencers Lee, a gas engineer and working in HVAC, (@thepeakyplumber), Jacky (@jackymeetsbaustelle) and Tony (@tonytornado2020), both plant mechanics and on the job sites together for 15 years, embarked on what would be our first trip of this kind. Normally, TOOLS FOR LIFE visits Senegal alone to inspect our projects. This time, however, the team had the active support of three talented craftsmen.

Our local project partner, "Wasser für Senegal - Hilfe für Afrika e.V.," organized two projects in which the Influencers were able to contribute their expertise. One of these projects took them to Ngollar, where the elementary school co-financed by TOOLS FOR LIFE had long struggled with the problem that the students lacked water in the morning in the sanitary facilities. Here, two new water tanks were connected to the well, and the pipes were renewed. The project was completed relatively quickly, and the students, parents and teachers are now pleased to finally have sufficient water in the facilities again.

The second project took us to Nguembe, where Dr. Helmut Rothenberger donated a garden for a women's group years ago. However, the sanitary facilities belonging to the garden still lacked a water pipe to the well. Our professionals took over the work here as well and were actively supported by local community members. They had dug the trench for the line, and the Influencers laid the pipe. Once again, valuable knowledge was imparted.

We have already received many requests from other craftsmen who would like to know how they can participate in similar projects and whether there will be more such opportunities in the future. The answer is a resounding "yes." We definitely plan to do such projects more often in the future, as it is an easy way to do good and impart knowledge at the same time. This is in line with our foundation motto: "Helping people to help themselves". We are convinced that what the locals have learned within a few days they will not forget so quickly and that they will continue to use this knowledge in the future.

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