
Generous Christmas donation from NORDWEST

We would like to thank NORDWEST Handel AG from the bottom of our hearts for their generous support. It was with great pleasure that we received the news of the donation of 5,000 euros that the affiliated company has made to us. This donation is not only a sign of the social commitment of the Dortmund-based trading company, but also valuable support for our work at the TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation.

As a long-standing sponsor of our foundation, NORDWEST is a reliable partner and we are very grateful for their continued support. With this Christmas donation, the company is sending a strong signal for improving the living conditions of people in disadvantaged regions around the world. With our projects, we give people in need access to vital resources such as water, energy, education and climate protection.

The generous support helps us to continue to successfully implement our projects and make a positive difference to the lives of many people. Thanks to donations from companies like NORDWEST, we can continue our mission and be part of the solution to global challenges. Once again, we would like to thank NORDWEST Handel AG, especially the board members Mr. Simon, Mr. Rolf and Mr. Sega for their extraordinary social commitment.

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