
Tennis for all: Inklusionstag ein voller Erfolg

The Tennis Inclusion Day was a great success! Together with the Kelkheim Tennis Club KTEV and the Hessian Tennis Association, the first inclusion day of the initiative "Tennis for all" took place on Saturday, August 27. Children and adults with and without disabilities could try tennis on the courts of the KTEV. Also everyone could try out what additional skills it takes to play wheelchair tennis.

In small groups, children and adults could practice their skills with tennis racket well supervised by the coaches of KTEV and Hessian Tennis Club. The experienced tennis players demonstrated how exciting and exhausting wheelchair tennis is.

Mayor Kündiger was pleased about the great action. His credo: "Inclusion is an ongoing task for all of us. And only when it has also arrived in the clubs, you can say: inclusion is lived."

Together with the KTEV and with the support of the Hessian Tennis Association, there will be further offers on Paratennis after this well-attended and successful kick-off. These actions will continue to be supported by TOOLS FOR LIFE.

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