

The HERO Award ("Award for our Heroes") of the TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation honors people and organizations who stand up for people and against grievances in everyday life. Employees of the ROTHENBERGER Group are invited to nominate their heroes for the award. As the foundation's board of directors, the Rothenberger family selects the HERO from all submissions.

The candidates:

  1. Anjos Solidário

Founded by Josicleide de Freitas Gomes Lopes da Silva, this initiative works to help homeless people in São Paulo, Brazil. The members of the initiative collect food and hygiene items and distribute them to those in need.

  1. Anyievo-Ekpui/Togo e.V.

The Anyievo association supports the village of Ekpui in Togo. There, the association promotes educational projects for children and young people, as well as projects to improve living conditions.

  1. Bund Deutscher Einsatzveteranen e. V. (German veterans' association)

The association "Bund Deutscher Einsatzveteranen e.V." supports the sustainable care and the improvement of the support for veterans of the German Armed Forces and their family members.

  1. Support Association of the Albert-von-Reinach School

The team of the sponsoring association helps the Albert-von-Reinach School in Kelkheim to offer students a special school experience. For example, they successfully implemented a green classroom in 2020.

  1. Scuderia Wiesbaden

The team leaders of the go-kart club encourage the children on the race track and are also supportive for them off the track. With their open and friendly manner, they give the children self-confidence and spur them on to top performance.

  1. Mrs. Pinto-Schneider

Mrs. Pinto-Schneider is committed to integration in Kelkheim and the surrounding communities. Among other things, she is chairwoman of the Foreigners' Advisory Council, a city councilor, a supporter of refugee aid and an integration pilot.

  1. Hintalovon Foundation

In addition to a pro bono center for the rights of the child that provides free legal aid, the foundation also provides a program to develop and support the effective participation of secondary school students in the field of children's rights.

  1. Sunshine4Kids e.V.

Sunshine4kids e.V. helps children and young people who are in a difficult situation in life to regain their zest for life and shows them new perspectives. The children are referred from homes, hospices and victim organizations, among others.

  1. Umunumo Circle of Friends Bersenbrück

The association from Bersenbrück supports the community of Umunumo in Nigeria. There, projects such as a training center, water cisterns and a health center are being built.

  1. Janina Wisniewski

Janina Wisniewski has suffered from right-sided hemiparesis (incomplete hemiplegia) since birth. She has made it her mission to pass on her knowledge and experience to people with disabilities and their families and offers workshops for this purpose.

  1. THERIS - Therapeutic & Educational Riding Singapore

The association offers educational, psychological, psychotherapeutic, rehabilitative and social-integrative measures, which are implemented through the medium of the horse. The target group of therapeutic riding are children, adolescents and adults with mental and intellectual disabilities.

  1. From heart to heart registered association.

Von Herz zu Herz e.V. (From Heart to Heart) is committed to helping people worldwide who have suffered physical, financial and/or psychological damage as a result of special events or circumstances.

OUR HERO 2020:

The winner of the HERO 2020 award is the association Anyievo-Ekpui/Togo. The association sees lack of education as the main reason for poverty. To counteract this, the association supports the village of Ekpui in Togo. It was founded in 2013 and has also been officially recognized as a non-profit, non-governmental organization in Togo as of 2015. In addition to promoting school and kindergarten education, Anyievo also promotes vocational training. Ekpui itself has founded a sister association to improve the lives of its residents.

Projects to date

Among other things, the association has sponsored a learning house for homework supervision, a kindergarten and a sewing school. Anyievo has also made possible a rainwater cistern and the vaccination of children.

Our HERO receives as prize money the proceeds from the fundraising campaign "Donations instead of gifts", which is organized annually by TOOLS FOR LIFE around Christmas time.

The prize money amounts to € 7,000.

In June 2021, on "HERO Day", the association will be honored with a joint event and the project financed with the prize money will be presented.

All nominated associations will each receive €500 in recognition of their special commitment.

© 2025 TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation