
Visiting the Association „Hilfe für Afrika-Wasser für Senegal e.V.“[Aid for Africa-Water for Senegal]

On 13.07.2019, the TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation took part in the annual general meeting of the charitable association „Hilfe für Afrika–Wasser für Senegal“. It was represented by the future project manager Felix Gottschlich.

Many projects have already been successfully carried out in Senegal together with the Association. After a very warm welcome from the president August Braun, the former president Franz Bickel and the project leader in Senegal, Rahim Sall, the work of the Association last year and future projects were presented. The main focus of the projects is sustainable supply of water to the rural population in Senegal. To ensure the sustainability of the projects, the villages make a financial contribution themselves. Rahim Sall then reported on the current developments in Senegal. The department leaders Rupert Kalchschmid (water) and Heike Meßzehl (schools, sponsorships) gave an insight into the challenges and peculiarities of their work. In the past. the TOOLS FOR LIFE Foundation and the Wasser für Senegal [Water for Senegal] Association have already successfully completed many projects. There are currently other common projects in the planning phase. TOOLS FOR LIFE is looking forward to a long and successful collaboration with the Association.

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